1400+ lives restored with Revive’s help
Before coming to Revive, life had become unbearable with little hope of it ever getting better. After years of IV drug use, I had become miserable in my own skin and had pushed away everyone who ever truly loved me. I had been in and out of treatment since I was old enough to attend. I had lost all hope and had settled into the fact that I was always going to be a drug addict. I was sitting in Montgomery Co Jail when a bed opened up at Revive Life House, and on July 13, 2018, I walked into my 8th treatment center.
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I grew up in Louisville, KY. My struggle began in my early teens, binge drinking and smoking pot. I had burnt all bridges and had nowhere else to go. To be honest, it was either go to Revive or live under a bridge.Read more
I was born and raised here in Jessamine County. My struggle began really early. I first started using drugs at 13, and then from 15 until just a little over a year ago was using every day. It started as smoking weed, then prescription pain pills which lead to heroin and meth. I was in and out of jail, never really seeking help until I was mentally incapable of successfully doing anything for myself.
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I spent nearly 20 years of my life in active addiction. A little over 6 years ago, I found myself at my lowest — my bottom. I was working as a nurse and was taking care of a lot of people who were just like me, but they weren’t hiding behind a career. This really compounded my self-loathing and made me feel like the biggest hypocrite ever. I lied to my family and friends and isolated myself from them. I cared for my patients while impaired. I hated myself and who I had become.
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“Their program is a well structured one geared at not just reforming from drug tendencies but also producing people who can sufficiently take care of themselves and their families.”
“I am grateful for my time at revive. Everyone was really nice and I learned so much.”
Before coming to Revive, life had become unbearable with little hope of it ever getting better. After years of IV drug use, I had become miserable in my own skin and had pushed away everyone who ever truly loved me. I had been in and out of treatment since I was old enough to attend. I had lost all hope and had settled into the fact that I was always going to be a drug addict. I was sitting in Montgomery Co Jail when a bed opened up at Revive Life House, and on July 13, 2018, I walked into my 8th treatment center.
While at Revive, I learned the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus. On that I built a foundation for my recovery. I started striving to build relationships with people who had gone before me and had some clean time. I asked questions and continued to focus on God and my relationship with him. I soon learned that if I kept my mental/spiritual health in shape, everything else would fall into place. God started to open my eyes to his goodness and things he had in store for me in my life. I obtained a sponsor and started working a 12-step program. Through learning to be disciplined in my prayer life, my relationship with God, and working a 12-step program, I have been able to maintain sobriety.
Four years ago, I stepped foot into Revive Life House. Today I work as the ROC outpatient administrator where I schedule any appointments for the guys while also managing our COC program. I am a second-year student at Asbury University, a father of two and have been married to my beautiful wife since 2020.
Life since I walked through the doors at Revive has changed drastically. I am truly grateful for the opportunities God has given me because without my relationship with God, none of this would be possible.
I grew up in Louisville, KY. My struggle began in my early teens, binge drinking and smoking pot. I had burnt all bridges and had nowhere else to go. To be honest, it was either go to Revive or live under a bridge.
The love radiating from the staff encouraged me to stay and still does to this day. We love deeply here…it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced, and I love being a part of the team today as the House Manager for our Phase 1 clients. It’s the love of Jesus working through others to change lives here! I have goals to excel and grow in the recovery world, and even hope to start my own business in the health and fitness industry.
I’m grateful for the strong support group that I stay in communication with daily helping me to maintain my sobriety. I work with several mentors who encourage me and continue to follow God’s lead daily.
I was born and raised here in Jessamine County. My struggle began really early. I first started using drugs at 13, and then from 15 until just a little over a year ago was using every day. It started as smoking weed, then prescription pain pills which lead to heroin and meth. I was in and out of jail, never really seeking help until I was mentally incapable of successfully doing anything for myself. The court ordered me here, and when I first stepped through the doors I felt the love of Christ.
But I wasn’t capable of accepting the help and left. Through the grace and direction of God I decided to come back. Even amid my PTSD, trauma, paranoid delusions and even suicidal thoughts, this time I accepted the love that was demonstrated at Revive allowed God to heal my brokenness.
The Revive Outpatient Center taught me enough to be able to make it again in this world, and monitored me while making the first steps. It gave me the encouragement I needed to be successful, and the push I needed to be best I could each day no matter what. Today I try to be a light where I once needed one, reading my Bible and praying daily.
In December of 2016, I had just committed a first-degree armed robbery. I was at the lowest part of my addiction, so I ran from these charges for two years with depression, anxiety, paranoia, and fear in every thought I had. In 2018, tired of running, I turned myself in for these charges. Seeing the video of how messed up I was during the robbery is what made me ask the judge for treatment. Revive was the only place I wanted to go. I went to isolation twice while in jail and both times Revive’s name, address and number was on the wall. And that began my journey at Revive. My revelation came on Dec. 25, 2018 at 101 Richmond Ave. during Phase 1. I had been there five days and was looking out the window washing dishes and the sky got bright and I knew that God said to me I was going to be okay, and a peace came over me followed by tears. I had many of those experiences while in Phase 1. My next “aha” moment is when I got to Phase 2 of the program. I realized that with every person who worked for Revive, it wasn’t just a job for them. They genuinely loved every one of us from their hearts’ real love.
My life is different in so many ways. Addiction is no longer a thought or option. Because of Revive, I have become closer with my immediate family, and I have real friends today. I have a different, positive outlook that I wouldn’t have had before Revive. I now have a relationship with God, I have a wife and kids who I get to watch grow up. I am now an employee of Revive doing what I love to do—helping other addicts recover and become productive citizens, just as I have. Since going to Revive I have a brand new peaceful and serene life because I was willing to have an open mind to what I was taught. It will change your life if you allow it to.
I spent nearly 20 years of my life in active addiction. A little over 6 years ago, I found myself at my lowest — my bottom. I was working as a nurse and was taking care of a lot of people who were just like me, but they weren’t hiding behind a career. This really compounded my self-loathing and made me feel like the biggest hypocrite ever. I lied to my family and friends and isolated myself from them. I cared for my patients while impaired. I hated myself and who I had become. I was eventually fired from my job because I couldn’t hide my addiction any longer. I became suicidal and knew I had to get help, or I was going to die.
I went to a treatment facility much like Revive, but specifically for women. It was faith- based, and it was there that I was re-introduced to the love of Jesus! I entered the Kentucky Alternative Recovery Effort (KARE) program for nurses in November of 2016. This is a five-year monitoring program that promotes rehabilitation and provides accountability. I had to check in daily for random drug testing, complete monthly reports and participate in employer and counseling evaluations quarterly. I am so grateful for this program, as it allowed me to continue in the field of nursing while also protecting the public from harm.
I am also very grateful for Revive for hiring me with full knowledge of my participation in the KARE program and its requirements. I completed the program in November of 2021 in May of 2022, I celebrated six years of sobriety. I am also free from any mood/mind-altering substances. Jesus is my remedy and I am a new creation in Christ!
Our mission is simple. We are a dynamic recovery program that restores lives through an inward journey leading to lifelong wholeness. We do this by creating a safe and welcoming environment where persons suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) can find help, freedom and purpose for their lives as we have since opening in 2016.